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The Climate Change Circus – An Act Too Far.

The climate change circus continues with the COP28 conference in Dubai. Is this its final act? Is this circus about to go the way of traditional circuses? The circuses we baby boomers were taken to as kids Those circuses using tamed wild elephants and lions were driven to extinction by a caring public unhappy with seeing wild animals in captivity. That was good except for those animals which became both unemployable and too expensive to keep alive. Other circuses were criticized for using domestic animals and mistreating them. Some circuses that dodged the bullets from the animal rights campaigners eventually succumbed to the woke brigade’s sensitivity about clowns making fun of each other.

Traditional circuses may have been cruel to a relatively small number of animals. They may have provided tenuous and often dangerous working environments for acrobats and other human performers. Humans have a choice, animals don’t.

climate change
Image by Clarence Alford from Pixabay

The climate change circus is far more dangerous. It affects billions of people. It’s a 3 act circus. Global warming, Control of the food supply, control of humans.


For 70,000 delegates to travel – many in private jets – to an oil-producing nation in the desert so that they can lecture the world on climate change, carbon reduction and the need for green energy is a circus with hypocrisy as its main act. Instead of performing elephants and lions, we see parades of private and airline jets. Fleets of luxury limousines and SUVs have replaced horses and dogs. The clowns are still there, of course, nimbly moving from their air-conditioned luxury hotel rooms to air-conditioned conference rooms. All are powered by fossil fuel-generated petrol, diesel, and electricity.

Image by JayJayV from Pixabay

The jugglers are there too. Sitting at the head tables, juggling opinions and pseudo-scientific facts. Pulling the wool over the eyes of millions of people who are genuinely concerned about the future of the planet.

I wrote about hypocrisy back in 2010, co-incidentally in connection with an earlier attack on Israel for defending its citizens.

The Climate Change Circus Is Doomed

But, just as people woke up to the negative aspects of circuses with performing animals, boycotted and legislated them into extinction, so too will the same fate bring an end to the current circus of clowns.

This article by in the National Post by Raymond de Souza, spells it out better than I can.

In today’s news “Moscow experiences the heaviest snowfalls in 148 years, in Siberia, temperatures plunge to -56C”.

climate change
Image by Aburiakov from Pixabay

This circus is losing its momentum.

What will be the next one?

p.s. I have been privileged to meet many exceptional guests on The Yakking Show recently. Hop over to the website and check them out.

A shout-out for Valerie Trapunsky who was a guest on the show earlier in 2023. If you are thinking about hiring a virtual assistant, she has a special offer for 50% off the onboarding cost of a new assistant until 31 December 2023. More details how Valerie can help you on her ChatterBoss website. Use the coupon code  DELEGATE2024 to get the discount.

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