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Cycle Of Life – A Pendulum Or A Roller Coaster?

I have thought that the cycle of my life has been like a roller coaster ride (not that I have ever been on one). But perhaps the swing of a pendulum is a better analogy. I can’t believe it’s the end of April already. In some ways it seems like Christmas was just a few days ago, in others, particularly if I think back to when life was free and easy, those days seem a lifetime ago

cycle of life
Image by Mac Wheeler from Pixabay

Looking back on my life – quite a long one by now – it’s been a bit of both. Huge ups and downs. Great swings between success and failure, smooth roads and difficult trails, affluence and shortages, safety and danger, stability and chaos.

Despite the best intentions, it’s been over a month since my last post. No excuses, I just find I am busier than ever. The main reason is the amazing success of The Yakking Show which Kathleen and I started in March 2020. Yesterday we recorded our 117th episode, we have been publishing two episodes a week since we started.

We have met the most interesting people from many countries and many different fields from authors to marketing gurus, psychologists to thermography specialists, legal experts to flat earth advocates.

Check out our YouTube channel, we love comments so please let us know what you think – good or bad.


I am concerned at the way communities and society as a whole are becoming increasingly divided by government reactions to the coronavirus and the political intolerance that is being stirred up by the allegations of “systemic racism”, “white privilege” and a whole slew of “isms”. It’s almost as if the media, some government officials and academia are determined to provoke civil war.

Fortunately, there are signs that increasingly people are waking up and saying enough. More states in the USA are abandoning lockdowns and mandatory mask-wearing and seeing virus cases and deaths decline in sharp contrast to other states in the USA with the harsh restrictions and high levels of infection.

It’s no surprise that Sweden, and a few other countries which did not impose harsh restrictions have now been vindicated.

There is growing opposition to some of the more ridiculous “woke” demands affecting law enforcement, women’s sports and education. Consumer goods companies and professional sports organizations are discovering that boycotts work both ways. Boycotts and media campaigns are not only weapons for those on the left of the political spectrum.

The Cycle Of Life And The Pendulum Theory

The more I reflect on current events, the more I see the pendulum theory from Roy Williams and Michael Drew’s book “Pendulum” playing out in the cycle of life. If the theory is correct, we will reach the apogee of the current craziness in 2023 then start the long swing back to normality. The swing back might be slow, but with luck, I will still experience some of it during my lifetime.

One thing that is going steadily with few ups and downs or wild swings is my daily walk. Today was the 347th consecutive day that I have walked. Mostly at 5:40 am but later in the day on the few days that the weather has been really bad. The target of a full year is getting deliciously close now. With the arrival of Spring, it’s now as light in the morning as it was when I wrote my last post before the clock change.

Here’s a bonus for you, Mia from Happy2ndBirthday thought that her article on 7 Refreshing Breaks That Can Reset Your Outlook might help you if you are feeling shutdown fatigue. You can read it here.

How do you see your cycle of life? A pendulum, a roller coaster or perhaps a comfortable train journey?

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