Sophisticated Scammers
Scammers and fraudsters are getting smarter all the time. I have long known that the trade in stolen credit cards is huge. What I had not known until this week is how it is made up of many players. And has its own sort of “quality control” systems.
I recently installed a membership plugin on our “The Yakking Show” so that we can process payments from premium-level subscribers. Because I find the ReCaptcha security check highly irritating on websites I visit, I did not add it.
Within days of the site going live, I noticed a number of new members signing up. All for the $1 for the first-month promotion. All were using similarly constructed email addresses on the same domain.
Fortunately, the payments gateway I use flagged all but the first few. Then I received a message that a cardholder had disputed one of the few payments that had been made before the rest were blocked.
The payments gateway told me that the scammers target membership sites and other eCommerce sites selling low-priced services or items to test the validity of stolen cards before using them to make large purchases.
We live and learn. Now I have added ReCaptcha and other security measures.

The Cracks
Cracks are beginning to appear in the propaganda wall. A wall that was erected by a concerted effort of almost all the “First World” countries. In stark contrast to many supposedly backward countries in the developing world.
Why the difference?
Why are some of the worst former dictators and authoritarian regimes treating their subjects better than the new breed of dictators in North America and Europe?
- A welcome display of common sense?
- A lack of resources to follow the dictates of the WHO and WEF?
- The acceptance that hungry people would not blindly follow directives that were harmful?
Probably all of the above.
From Frying Pan to Fire

I reflect on how my younger son and family were concerned that they had no future in Zimbabwe. They attempted to immigrate to Canada in 2017. Despite the considerable financial investment, starting a business and employing a Canadian, they were not considered suitable for permanent residence. After almost two years of mounting lawyers fees, they decided to cut their losses and return to Zimbabwe.
Problems of crime, and high inflation notwithstanding, they now enjoy more personal freedom than I do here in Canada.
It seems I did jump from the frying pan into the fire.
People Are Speaking Out
When I first started questioning the overreaction to the coronavirus within two weeks of the first panicked actions of governments around the developed world, I was labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” A member of a small fringe minority with unacceptable views. Now I find I am part of a rapidly growing movement that is already or soon will be a majority.

Some highlights in the last few days that give me hope the pressure is building to the point when the wall will burst and another group of scammers will finally be exposed.
Mainstream media in Australia now reporting on serious casualties from adverse reactions to the experimental inoculations.
Denmark has banned the inoculation for under 18s.
A doctor with the military in the USA testified under oath that she was instructed not to talk. To remain silent about adverse reactions, serious injuries and deaths.
Pressure from businesses and governments within and outside Canada to abandon the Arrivecan app that is severely impacting business and holiday travelers.
Increasing legal action seeking relief from and compensation for the illegal restrictions, mandates and work terminations.
In Canada particularly and certain other countries, standards of healthcare becoming worse than that of some of the developing countries.
This last problem is inexcusable. The “free” health care system in Canada and other countries was under pressure before the overreaction to the virus. However, firing thousands of qualified staff for refusing to take the risk of receiving an experimental drug that has now been proven to be both ineffective and dangerous, is inexcusable. It is a self-inflicted injury of incredible stupidity – or calculated malice.

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