Risks are something we all have to assess, decide whether to go or not go, do it or hesitate. Acting in spite of the risks involves choices. No matter the planniing and preparation the outcome is still dependent on chance to a greater or lesser degree. As we saw last week, being extremely weathy is no protection from the consequences of bad choices, poor planning or unforseen mechanical failure.
I have taken risks all my life, sometimes by choice, sometimes through circumstances. At times they have created huge opportunities, at others they have cost me dearly. I don’t regret the choices I made or the risks I took, they led me on an amazing journey through an exhiliraing and exciting life. If you haven’t already done so, read my story here.
lmploding submersibles, an attempted coup in Russia (or maybe it wasn’t) smoke from bushfires, last week was an interesting one.
Risks Are Everywhere – Especially Underwater
In a desperate attempt to avoid mentioning a move to impeach President Biden for what appear to be real and serious crimes, the mainstream media extracted every ounce possible from the submersible story. Five people dying in a vehicle, on the surface or underwater is sad and a tragedy for the families of the victims. But why is this accident so much more newsworthy than the hundreds of fatal vehicle accidents that occur each week around the world?. Unless involving a celebrity, most never make the front page of newspapers or become headline TV news. Even the tragic deaths of a busload of old people on the way to a casino soon became yesterday’s news.
The Wagner Coup/Circus/Diversion in Russia.
Was it an attempted coup? Or a diversion to focus attention away from the obscene amounts of taxpayer’s money NATO members are funelling through the Ukraine back to Western arms manufacturers? It seems to have become a circus with Belarus now providing sanctuary to the militia and gaining a sizeable stock of equipment, arms and ammunition in the process. Here’s one analysis on The Corbett Report with links to more resources. I guess staging a coup (or creating a circus) also has its risks.
The smoke from the forest fires north and east of us blanketed our part of SW Ontario with hazy skies and a stringent chemical smell for most of the week. Yesterday, the blanket lifted, it was quite clear early this morning on my morning walk, then the wind shifted and back it came.

Forest Fires, Bush Fires, or “Wild Fires”?
I am often accused of being pedantic. However, I do believe English is a language that should be respected and that the tendency to apply totally inadequate but more alarmist, buzzwords from fiction should be resisted. The common use of “wildfires” is a case in point. Growing up in Africa, grass and bushfires were common – and frightening. In my early teenage years, in the short period when we had TV reception, I remember hearing of serious bushfires in Australia, California and elsewhere.
They remained that, bush, forest or grass fires until a popular movie came out dramatizing large bushfires by calling them “wildfires”. Not bush, forest or grass fires, not out-of-control domestic fires, but “wildfires.” The term “wild” added to a noun generally differentiates one variation of that object – a wild one – from another, a domestic, tame or conventional one. As in wild cats, wild horses, wild strawberries. So wild bushfires would make sense. Describing out-of-control bush fires as wildfires makes as much sense as calling a curtain flapping in the breeze a wild curtain.
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