I believe there is an old Chinese salutation “May you live in interesting times”
Well, I have been fortunate to have lived in interesting times.
Born in London, England, at the age of 5, my family moved to Rhodesia, my father got the farming bug, left his secure job and started farming. My brother and I were soon given chores of collecting eggs, milking cows, helping with pigs, crops and general farm activities.
My first horse was given to me when I was 7, this was the start of my life-long passion for horses.
Any one with farming connections will know that trying to farm with insufficient capital is difficult. Although I completed my schooling with good enough grades to go to university, I chose to join my father on the farm.
Three years of very long days and little money followed until the realisation set in that the farm could not support 2 incomes. I left the farm for the city and started my career in commerce.
After getting married and the birth of my two sons, the situation in Rhodesia deteriorated to the extent that I could see no future for my family, no hope of my boys getting a decent education, so we moved to South Africa. We were unable to sell our house so we handed it to the bank.
Currency regulations in force at the time only allowed us to take the equivalent of 2 months salary, an old vehicle and our household furniture with us. After 6 months, my job came to an end. I was in a new country with no contacts, no money and jobs were scarce.
In desperation, I started selling wall coatings on commission only, and door to door, a terrible job but I fed and housed my family. After a few months, I moved into selling Life Assurance, still commission only, still tough but I slept better at night.
Fortune smiled on me, I got a job with a very large food products company, and over the next 10 years I got to be Marketing Manager for consumer, industrial and export markets.
The company was production and accounting orientated and it was obvious that I had reached my ceiling. I had built up good contacts in Africa, so I took the plunge and started my own export trading business and a small food packing operation.
Over the next 4 years I traveled extensively in Central Africa, selling food products, hardware, building supplies and commodities. Business was going well until in 1993 when civil war in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Angola stopped several shipments from being delivered. My business evaporated overnight and I lost everything I had built up, my marriage also ended and one of my sons had two bad accidents all in the space of 6 months.
The property market in South Africa was depressed, so I could not even sell the house for what I still owed on it. With no cash, no resources, not even a car, and little chance of employment, I accepted a kind offer from my brother to return to Zimbabwe (as Rhodesia had become) and help him with his businesses.
In addition to helping with my brothers transport and 2 way radio business, I started consulting and another small food packing business.
Fortune again favoured me 2 years later when I met my current partner who had inherited her late parents farm. I sold my business, put the cash into the farm and we built up a successful operation exporting horticulture products to Europe. At peak season we employed 180 people.
I was again living a good life, we had our horses so we could ride around our farm every evening to check on our cattle and see a variety of wild animals, including Kudu antelope, wild pig, warthog, large pythons, monkeys, baboons, many smaller animals, hawks and eagles.
In 2000, President Mugabe, fearing that he was losing his grip on power with a rise in support for the opposition party, the MDC, and because he lost a referendum for the first time since 1990, unleashed a reign of terror on commercial farmers.
Large groups of people were trucked in from traditional tribal areas and encouraged to take over commercial farms (mainly white owned). Many of the farm occupations were violent, with 13 farmers murdered, men and women beaten so severely that many never fully recovered. Farm workers who did not join the mobs were also murdered and beaten as were supporters of the MDC. The police and army actively supported these farm invasions and were involved in some of the murders.
The chaos spread through the farming areas, at this time, commercial farming accounted for a very large part of the country’s export earnings so the economy went into free fall culminating in an inflation rate measured in the millions of percent.
We held out despite increasing intimidation until late 2002 when we were the last but one farm still operating in our district of 43 farms.
Our work force was intimidated into going on strike, we lost our pea crop which was ready for harvest, our equipment and fences were being stolen and for a period of 6 weeks we were frequently barricaded inside the security fence around our house for days at a time by some of our workers and mobs of political thugs threatening to kill us, burn our vehicles, kill our animals. The mob lit fires all around our house and beat on metal barrels through the night so that we could not sleep. I must place on record that many of our staff refused to become involved in the intimidation and took personal risks to feed, water and protect our horses and cattle.
The police refused to act, saying that it was a political issue and we must just walk away from our farm.
The police twice tried to arrest me on the farm for refusing to leave our legally owned (in the family since 1956) farm. I escaped both times, but on Friday 8 November 2002 during a quiet spell when the mob had dispersed, I somewhat foolishly visited the police station to try and get action on retrieving a stolen pump. While there, I was grabbed from behind by security police, interrogated a little harshly for 5 hours, then thrown in a 10 x 12 ft cell with up to 27 criminals, (at least one murder suspect).
I was kept there for 3 days and nights, that experience would fill a book on it’s own. Then I was dragged into court still in the same clothes and dirty from sleeping on the floor, unshaven and unwashed.
Remember, I had not been charged with a crime, the magistrate gave me the option of agreeing to never return to our farm again or going to an even worse jail with a possibility of another court appearance in 6 months, if I survived! Despite hating to abandon my principle of never giving up, I had to face reality and realise that I could not protect my partner, my family and my animals from a prison cell so I agreed and on 11 November I was released. Ironically, the anniversary of Rhodesia’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence. I have not seen my home since then.
I went to friends to get washed and changed and eat a decent meal, then moved to a small cottage on my brothers (as yet unthreatened) small acreage. My partner was given 2 days to move all our personal possessions and animals from the farm. As we had done so many times before for many of them, our ex neighbours came with their trucks and helped with the move.
2 days later, with the contents of a large 4 bedroom farm-house, store rooms, workshop and sheds strewn all over the lawn of the small 2 bedroom cottage, we were faced with the reality that we had no home, no farm, no business, no income, horses to find homes for, some unpaid farming debts and no future. We sold or gave away most of our possessions over the next few weeks.
My elder son had married a Canadian girl while working in England, he suggested we visit them and consider Canada as a possible home. We were concerned about the winters, but at the age of 53 and with no assets, our options were limited.
After a visit to check things out, we moved to Ontario in 2004 with just 2 suitcases and a horse saddle each, after paying for our air tickets, we had enough cash to buy an 8-year-old used truck.
We both got jobs, me on a large vegetable farm and my partner on a horse breeding stud farm. We worked very long hours at physically demanding jobs, then we started our network marketing business, public speaking, some coaching and more recently our internet business.
We are fortunate to live on a farm ourselves with our 8 cats, sadly our dog and all the cats we brought from Zimbabwe have long since died.
Many readers will be horrified at what we went through in Zimbabwe, many people I speak to cannot believe that we are still “normal” despite our experiences. There is more to the story but this is already a long enough tale, we were lucky, many people have suffered much more than us, both in Zimbabwe and in many other places recently and through history.
My purpose in recording this is to demonstrate that it is possible for anyone to overcome losses, defeats and traumatic events. I must be one of the very few people who has lost 3 properties in a lifetime all because of politics!
I have also had to face losing everything and starting from scratch in a new country more than once. I am not a hero, I am just an ordinary man who likes animals and nature, but I also value my independence and it is that goal of being self-sufficient and a determination to get ahead that has allowed me to pick myself up and keep going.
It is not what happens to you in life, but how you deal with it.
A new Chapter
On 29 September 2010, I had a heart attack, I wrote about it in a post. So yet another change in my life. The farm consulting which was still providing a useful income had to stop immediately.
My desire for more time to develop my speaking, writing and internet business had suddenly been realised. Rather than worry about the heart attack, I am grateful that I survived it and still have enough energy to live a normal life. I now have the time to do what I enjoy.
13 February 2017 after further narrowing of cardiac arteries was diagnosed, I had by-pass surgery. Not the most pleasant experience but not too bad.
The surgery was successful, in autumn 2019, I walked 250 km on the Camino de Santiago from Porto in Portugal to Santiago in Spain.
Now over four years later, I am taking no prescription drugs and I walk up to 7 km most days. In 2020, Kathleen Beauvais and I started The Yakking Show Podcast and video channel.
Life is full of surprises.

What a story – a vivid reminder to me of how quickly life can change and how resilient we can be. Inspires me to never give up! Thank you!
Wow, I am humbled by this story. You are truly a die hard go-getter. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story 🙂
Dear Peter, you are an inspiration and beautiful writer; you kept a sense of humor and a big perspective throughout all those trials and achievements. Makes me think of an Irish saying,” You cannot keep a good man down”
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Peter & Sue,
What a story…..what I hear is beautiful character & values
for both of you…it’s my blessing to read your blog!
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Peter, thank you for sharing your story, which is a lot more than a story. It’s history. It’s humanity at its heart. I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through, for all your losses but am heartened at your continued kindness. That speaks volumes. You have a special place with God someday.
Anni, thank you for your kind words, millions of people since time began have endured far worse, we are grateful that we still have our health, were not injured like so many of our friends and have met so many good people here in North America. It just proves that it’s not what happens to you in life, but how you deal with it that counts.
Thanks For sharing, Peter, certainly puts things into perspective. I admire your courage, dedication, and drive. Quite Frankly, I’m surprised that a movie producer hasn’t filmed a movie about your life yet 🙂
Hi Peter: I just met you, and Sue, today! Thanks for giving me your business card, and for sharing part of your story and the history of your previous country in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). You are right. It’s not what happens to you, but how you respond to it! I agree that grievinging does last for a season, however, there is a time to pick ourselves up and move forward…to start fresh.
I have several personal stories of trauma. From what I experienced,I’ve had to look at those situations for what they are, deal with it, and start over, and over, and over again until I get it right! Don’t ever give up….(from within) even though it might mean giving up things that are from without (outside of us).
I appreciate your story! It brings hope to those who may have lost hope.
I’m looking forward to seeing you and Sue, again, soon!
God Bless! I was really encouraged from what you shared with me today!
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Pingback:Sorry but… Bad things can happen to good people… | TheNewHappyMe
WOW! What a story and so beautifully written! Should be made into a movie! I am so glad I met up with you on the web. How do I get on to your blog??
Thank you for your kind words Jeanne, you have subscribed to our newsletter,
so you will get an email bulletin of blog headlines every 10 days, you can click on any of
them to get back to the blog itself.
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Wow, Peter. What a story. Thanks for sharing it!
I just read about your life in Zimbabwe, it is really heartbreaking what you went through.
I however admire you, your spirit of never giving up but standing and start all over again.
There are so many people who give up on their lives for a minor thing. I wonder if i would have the strength and the courage to do like you.
That’s very kind of you, but many others experienced far worse, we were fortunate that we were not injured and had the opportunity to move. What is more heartbreaking is the millions of Zimbabweans who do not have that chance and are still suffering badly. I know that most of the people who I employed have not worked since and many have already died prematurely.
You may be surprised at how much strength and courage you can find when you have to.
With your name, it sounds like you might have an interesting story too.
Pingback:Why New Year’s Resolutions may be Counter Productive… | TheNewHappyMe
Such an ispiring story Peter, filled with hope.
Everyone has a story to tell; IF we hang around long enough to hear it.
I thank you for sharing and may good health be with you in 2012 and beyond. .
Thank you Lesley, you are absolutely correct, some of the quiet ones have the most amazing stories.
Thank you Lesley, you are absolutely correct, some of the quiet ones have the most amazing stories.
Hey Peter,
Well done my China, can completely empathise with this my friend, you are a shining star buddy :0)))
Thanks Mike, I am really pleased we made contact again after so many years. Facebook has its uses!
Hi Peter, first of all I just want to say how much I admire you and your family. My heart goes out to you all. I hope life now treats you with kindness and peace. Thank you for sharing
Thank you for your kind words Suzanne.
Hi Peter, congratulations for picking yourself up and starting over and over again. I am inspired by your story, and even more so because we are ex Rhodesians and my husband fought the bush war for such a long time and like you we left our wonderful country in 1984. Canada is a good place for you, my family live in Vancouver and we now live in Port Elizabeth. Good luck for the future, you can do anything you want to do, you have already proved that.
Good to hear from you Adrienne, thank you for your comment and I hope Port Elizabeth treats you well, I stayed there a couple of times on business trips in the late 80’s. Your family chose a bit warmer (but wetter) part of Canada than we did.
Well if you ever come to Mozambique come and have a ride with us. Our story will be published soon its a memoir of a family that survived the farm invasions and brought 104 horses into Mozambique. Finally ending up running a horse safari on the coast in Vilanculos.
Thanks for the comment, may just get to Mozambique again one of these days. Where did you find all the horses to save? Although we found good homes for all of ours, we know some were sold on soon after we left and have no idea where they ended up. Please let us know when your book is published
Thanks for the comment, may just get to Mozambique again one of these days. Where did you find all the horses to save? Although we found good homes for all of ours, we know some were sold on soon after we left and have no idea where they ended up. Please let us know when your book is published
Peter is an exceptional person in all regards. He friended me and has helped me in many way. I call him my “Dilithium Crystal.”
Peter is the most giving person I know to date. His life has been extraordinary.
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Pingback:A Rhodesian Witnessing History Repeating: Fake News, Censorship & Truth in 2021 – Reclaiming Rhodesia
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Good evening Peter. Our experience in Northern Rhodesia mirrors many of yours my folks also lost their farm and were given 24 hours to get out of the country. They started again in Rhodesia and once again lost everything. To South Africa. They have passed on but what lays ahead for us? I have managed to get both of my daughters to safety in other continents but have other responsibilities that keep me here. I did try to get an alternative passport, even a Zambian one (my birth country!) was declined. I guess I’m stuck here.
Pingback:End Times These Are Not - AI Affected They Are - Peter Wright
Such a remarkable story! I am so glad you shared it and looking forward to reading more of your writing.
Thank you for your kind words Christine and I recommend your substack at https://journeyingalongside.substack.com/ to all readers.
I am from South Korean I was touched by the article. Are you feeling better now? It is unfortunate that many history books teach that the Rhodesian problem was merely a racial issue. my country also have many communist spy so sad Bless you
Hello Kim, Thank you for your comment. How re things there now? I have been following the news about the declaration of martial law which was quickly lifted and then the calls for the President to resign. I hope it is stable now.
North Korea communist spy impeachment president. Before president declared martial law because it was unavoidably detained. North Korea communist spy impeachment president already 2016 now it is one more. communist become president 2017-2022 South Korea so almost destroyed but now president surely correct good president I hope constitution court dismiss an impeachment. Media also drive a wedge between people man or woman Media only show protest for woman. media incite young woman. Man in his 50s stupid man want to young woman so they drive a wedge between man in his 20s ot a woman in her 20s. I am afraid of South korea future will be South vietnam. I hope that free Korea will win