Common sense returns. At last, the tide is turning. In 2012, Roy Williams and Michael Drew published “Pendulum” a book that tracked the changes in societies’ behaviour over 2000 years. Based on what they discovered, the authors identified an 80-year cycle from the apogee of a “We” period to that of a “Me” cycle. I have written about the book several times, most recently here. If you have not read the book, the authors predicted the excesses of the “We” cycle would get worse until 2023, when the pendulum would start swinging back to a period of relative balance.
The excesses they refer to are manifested in events over the last two decades. In the last three years, these have exploded. In scenes reminiscent of the McCarthy era in the USA we have seen the introduction of authoritarian rule, disregard for individual rights, censorship and illegal confinement in many Western countries.
In the last few months there have been welcome signs of a turnaround:
- Right-wing leaders elected in Italy and Hungary
- Javier Milai elected as President of Argentina
- Geert Wilders wins Dutch election
- “Canceled” Canadian teacher Carolyn Burjoski wins in Court
- “Woke” publishers taking a financial beating.
- Riots in Dublin in protest at mass immigration
Those are signs of common sense returning.

It’s a sign of the times when the legacy media use the term “Far Right” for leaders like those above who would have been labeled “conservative” or “Center Right” not that many years ago.
Why The Awakening?
Three triggers:
The global assault on democracy using the ‘Pandemic” as an excuse.
The goal of one world government.
Enforced mass immigration in Western countries.
The first two are closely connected, with the first a tool to achieve the second. Lockdowns, 15-minute cities, “climate change”, attacks on farming, increased surveillance, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), militarised police and the promotion of insect-based or factory-produced food are all tactics employed to terrify the masses into accepting a world controlled by unelected bureaucrats.
Mass Immigration
Western Europe and North America are both the destinations of choice for genuine refugees and illegal immigrants. The current administration in the USA chooses not to defend its Southern border. Canada, with only one border, albeit a very long one allows thousands to cross illegally from the USA and hundreds of thousands of others with dubious qualifications from third-world countries to become permanent residents each year. At the same time making it difficult for qualified applicants from countries with similar cultures and the same languages to get approved.
Western European countries have made it so easy for those wanting to leave Africa and the Middle East to find shelter and benefits that the flood across the channel has reached ridiculous levels.
No one is asking the question, why do Eastern European countries refuse to allow huge numbers of immigrants from different cultures? Why do Russia, India, China and Japan not accept hundreds of thousands of refugees or immigrants? Why are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Jordan not opening their doors to Palestinians leaving Gaza?
Because all these countries see the problems caused by mass immigration of people from different cultures have created in Sweden, France, Great Britain and now, Ireland.
Lessons From The Dark Ages
It seems that the countries of Western Europe have forgotten how quickly the armies of Islam captured vast swathes of the Northern Mediterranean coastline, the Iberian peninsula, and parts of France. Destroying centuries of cultural, scientific, architectural, and engineering progress in the process, Here is a link to an excellent video presentation on that era.
The Yakking Show
We have had some interesting guests on the show recently with more coming in the weeks ahead. We have started a second channel – Harmony: Your Path To Wholeness for all our health and fitness episodes. You can find all the video and audio episodes for both channels on the website.
I am a great supporter of Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health Remedies, check out the website and boost your resistance to winter ailments. Use the coupon YakkingShow for 5% discount.

Is common sense returning to the world? What do you think? Leave a comment.

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