Reactions are interesting. I am continually surprised at people’s reactions to the events that are disrupting the world.
As I wrote in this post in April, the coronavirus scare has united huge numbers of people across political, racial, cultural, religious, and philosophical lines.
However, it has divided society into three groups, those who believe all the government propaganda and accept the restrictions, damage to society and destruction of small businesses as necessary.
At the other extreme there are those who look at the data, check alternate sources for facts. Those who campaign against the authoritarian government decrees by active opposition in social media. Others join protest marches and ignore mask mandates.
Then there are those in the middle who know that all or part of the “cure” with lockdowns, restrictions and undemocratic legislation is wrong and harmful. But who for whatever reason prefer to comply than resist. I understand and have great sympathy for those who feel unable to resist because of their need to protect their incomes. However, that same argument has been used to tolerate dictators and authoritarian governments throughout history.
The low number of casualties (321 seriously ill in Canada’s 38 million population on 14 July 2021). The cost of the governments’ reactions in terms of unnecessary deaths from those unable to access medical care and the increase in suicides is completely out of proportion to the negligible (according to peer-reviewed studies) benefits. That is criminal. As is the damage to the economies of the world and disruption of children’s education.
I am encouraged that, despite the attempts by the media to censor all opinions contrary to the “official” narrative, the opposition seems to be increasing. Perhaps the threat of “vaccination passports” and the resulting discrimination of a large segment of society is the trigger.
Yes, I am being cynical, but the irony of liberal North Americans condemning “apartheid” in the old South Africa only to advocate its use against their own citizens seems to be lost on them.

Reactions to The Attack on Parental Responsibilities
I am grateful that at my age I do not have to worry about my children’s education. However, I have great concern about the education of my grandchildren given the direction in which schools are heading. Attempts to brainwash susceptible children by rewriting history and biology are bad enough. Criminalizing parent’s actions for resisting this attack on parental rights is beyond absurd.
Preventing children from socializing, from experiencing physical contact, and forcing them to wear ineffective masks for a virus that poses no risk to them have to be examples of mass child abuse.
If this trend continues, I have real fears for the future of the human race. Except in cases of actual child abuse, the government has no business interfering in parents’ child-raising.
Chaos in South Africa
Widespread looting in South Africa this week has already cost over 100 lives and resulted in damage to 200 shopping malls. The police have been unable or unwilling to stop the violence. Armed civilians are attempting to protect their families, their homes, and their businesses.
The looting has been so extensive that there are real fears of food shortages developing.
All supposedly in reaction to the jailing of former president Jacob Zuma on contempt of court charges.
In reality, the culmination of almost 30 years of increasing lawlessness after Mandela encouraged his followers to “make the cities ungovernable.”
Corruption, genocide against white South Africans, a campaign to murder white farmers, and the “brain drain” as skilled people of all races escape the carnage. All have contributed to the destruction of what was once the most organized and productive country on the continent.
The deafening silence from Western liberals over this descent into anarchy compared to the outrage with which any action to maintain law and order in the old South Africa was treated is yet another example of rank hypocrisy in our world today.
On the subject of hypocrisy, it’s pathetic to see Canadian politicians groveling to apologize for historic events over which they had no control. I take no pleasure in reminding these same politicians and their predecessors that they share responsibility for orchestrating the disastrous current situations in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Two countries that did not force indigenous children into residential schools.
Is There Light Ahead?
Yes, as bad as the current leadership in the USA is proving to be, it means that there will be a huge swing back to more normal governance after the midterm elections and more so after the next President is elected. If the integrity of the election process can be returned to first-world standards.
Sadly, I am not as optimistic about Canada. I am worried that the leadership of the Conservative Party is not up to the job of defeating the Liberals. I am concerned that any new party or alliance will not have enough time to campaign successfully before the next federal election.
What gives me hope is the rising tide of opposition to authoritarian government policies all over the world. Resistance to the heavy-handed coronavirus regulations is growing daily. I believe that this will embolden ordinary people to oppose other undemocratic actions.
Again, I hope that the Pendulum Theory is correct and that things will improve after 2023.
What do you think? What are your reactions to the changing world?

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