The latest Israel update from Dr. Binyamin Klempner on the ground in Israel. Dr. Klempner was a guest in episode 276 of The Yakking Show which I cohost with Kathleen Beauvais. You can find every Israel update here.
Dear Friends,
I’m waiting for this war to end. I want to take my kids to the places I’ve discovered but haven’t been able to explore. I want to drive with them along Israel’s northernmost highways, Highway 8967 and Highway 8933. I want to take them to Yiftach National Park and to the top of Har Adir. I want to take them to Avivim and to Hanita. I want to take them to the Keshet Cave and back to Achziv where I brought them last summer to swim. I want my land back. I want this war to end. I want my land back.
The things we spoke about: Why I don’t know Hebrew. “Binyamin. You mind if I ask you. How many years have you been living in Israel?” “All together twenty-five.” “You’ve been here twenty-five years and you still don’t speak Hebrew? How’s that possible?” “Well. I’ll tell you. I don’t hear the language correctly. For instance, I’ll hear a lamed as a mem and I’ll hear a mem as a lamed. And instead of hearing sounds as separate words I’ll hear sound stings. For instance, the phrase, ma ata omer (what are you saying)? Composed of three distinct words right? Well…the way I hear it is matomer. Makes it difficult to learn a language when you’re unable to properly hear the language. I guess it’s a processing disorder…some sort of dyslexia or something.” “Either way Binaymin, you’re here and you’re Israeli.” “Thanks. I appreciate it.” “Yah man. And thanks for the coffee!”
The things we spoke about. Going into Lebanon. The soldier said we need to go into Lebanon. I said that after studying the map and knowing our military preparedness and professionalism, I venture that we can take the southern bank of the Litani within 9 hours. But the problem is, what do we do once we get there? “What do you mean what do we do once we get there? What’s that supposed to mean? You don’t think we should go in?” “I’m not sure. The question is. We’ll be in a conundrum having to govern Southern Lebanon.” “No we won’t,” the soldier continued, “we’ll destroy their operational capabilities and leave. It’ll take them another twenty-years to attack us again. This is living with Lebanon as a northern neighbor. Every twenty years they stop respecting us and every twenty years we go in to knock out their military capabilities. And for the next twenty years we have what we call ‘peace’ whatever that is.”

The things we spoke about. Writing a Book. “Hey Binyamin, tell me again, what do you do for a living?” “I’m not sure. A little of this, a little of that. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.” “Why don’t you teach at a university?” “No institution wants me. I’m the odd man out.” “You’re the odd man out. Yah. You are the odd man out. Well…I’ll tell you what you ought to do…you ought to write a book.” Turning his attention to the soldier next to him, a fellow originally from Glasgow, Scotland, now a student at University of Tel Aviv, “You’re a writer. You’re studying writing at the university. What do you say? Shouldn’t Binyamin write a book?” “For sure he should. You know Binyamin, you ought to write something everyday. Soon enough you’ll have a book.” Yah? You think so? What makes you think I’m even able to write?” “Oh. I can tell. I can tell by the way you speak that you can write. You’re a good storyteller and you know all sorts of things. I can tell. You can write. And you ought to write a book.” “Hmmm. So if I write a book, what do you think it should be about?” “Oh, I don’t know. Anything that interests you.” “Well…a lot of things interest me. So tell me what it should be about if I write a book…” “Hmmm…How about coming to the Northern Border and meeting with soldiers. You can tell your story about travelling to the border and meeting with soldiers. That’ll be unique. You’re the only one doing it and the only one who can tell the story.” “Really? You think so? You think it’ll be interesting?” “For sure it’ll be interesting! Very interesting! And I’ll give you some advice, if you want to be a good writer, don’t read books on writing, if you want to be a good writer the main thing to do is read. I know you can do it. I know you can write a book. And even if you never decide to publish it, at least you’ll have written it.” Meanwhile I kept my mouth shut about already having written and published the book. (At least the first version of it). What can I say…I like to tease…
The buzz of a nearby drone, what the soldier who advised me to write, called, “the sound of an evil motor,” interrupted our conversation. We bid each other farewell until next time. They said they hope the next time comes soon. I continued on in search of the next group of soldiers to make coffee for.
The war still goes on. Support it, deny it, either way, it’s your war.
If you’d like to donate, the soldiers really appreciate your support!
Here’s the link: https://thechesedfund.
Many, many thanks and much gratitude to all of you who have given so generously. You’re the exceptions to the rule. YOU’RE AMAZING!!! YOU’RE THE CIVILIAN HEROS!!! You know who you are! Thank you!!!
Also, here’s the link to my book, purchase a few copies for your local libraries.
Stay safe!
Binyamin Klempner