Friday the 13th. Forecasts of doom and gloom. Warnings of Jihad, attacks on Jews and Christians worldwide. More fear-mongering to divide already divided societies even further. Ukraine was not enough to scare the world into submission, the puppet masters need another crisis to make people fear the apocalypse is coming.

What is really happening in Israel? Hard to determine exactly, conflicting reports of babies being be-headed were subsequently debunked. It does appear that there was a breakdown in Israeli security that allowed a relatively small group of Hamas terrorists to cause many deaths and injuries.
As expected, the speed at which Israel reacted to defend its citizens was only matched by that of Western liberals to condemn Israel for defending itself. It’s a pattern that has been repeated at regular intervals since the first Arab-Israeli war in 1967. A war in which a collection of Arab states and Egypt attempted to wipe the nation of Israel off the face of the earth.
After that war and all the subsequent attacks on Israel is it any wonder that the country will retaliate with force to defend itself?
What is alarming is that the liberal mainstream media machine has been so effective in spreading anti-Israel propaganda that labour unions in Canada (and elsewhere?) feel justified in wasting their members’ dues in aiding and abetting pro-Hamas protests.
Sad that many people who easily saw through the lies of the great coronavirus-lock-down-“vaccine” fraud see Israel as the villain every time the country gets attacked by Hamas terrorists. it’s similar to the way that most of the world was hoodwinked into believing Mandela was a saint and not the leader of the terrorist organisation he was. I experienced that brand of terrorism in Rhodesia and South Africa. I wrote about it here back in 2012.
Critics of Israel’s response point out the disproportionate number of casualties in the Gaza Strip compared to Israel. Israel is condemned for using “excessive force.” War in any form is messy and brutal. When rockets are launched and bullets are flying, people get killed and injured, women and children too. Hamas, even with support from Iran and elsewhere, will not win a full-scale military campaign against Israel.
Hamas’ strategy seems to be – in common with most terrorist strategies – to sacrifice as many innocent civilians on both sides, as necessary to get support from NGOs and liberals in the West so that it can continue to dream of annihilating Israel and not working with its neighbour to build a future for all.
A Relatively Uneventful Friday The 13th
At the time of writing (mid-afternoon Eastern North American time), the only reports I can find are that of a teacher killed and three wounded in a knife attack in France attributed to an Islamic terrorist. A Reuters reporter was killed and two injured by an explosion on the Israel – Lebanon border. An Israeli artillery shell fired during an attack by Hezbollah may have been the cause.
The deaths and injuries are tragic. However, unless some major attack happens in the last few hours of today, not a jihad by any stretch.
As acts of terrorism have proven time and again. It’s not the severity of a single act nor the number of casualties that causes the greatest damage. It’s the disruption and paralysis created by the threat and magnified by media propaganda and soft populations easily made fearful.
A Better Friday The 13th
Every Friday the 13th – as long as the weather is not too bad – there is a huge motorbike rally in this part of the world. Southern Ontario, Canada. Tens of thousands of bikers ride to the small town of Port Dover on the shore of Lake Erie. It was sunny for most of today with a temperature of 14C (59F) so I would imagine many bikers would be on the road. The record attendance in the summer of 2012 saw over 100,000 arrive. Here’s a link to read more about it. I wish them all safe travels home this evening.

Last words
We had an interesting guest on The Yakking Show this week, Robin Smart of the Alzheimer Society. If like me, you are getting on in years and wonder if things like forgetting your keys are signs of some sort of dementia or just normal aging, it’s worth watching. It set my mind at rest. Watch the video or listen to the audio.
Kathleen Beauvais, co-host of The Yakking Show, and I are now recommending two selections of health products.
Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health Club

Introducing the groundbreaking Spike Support Formula that harnesses the power of nattokinase and dandelion root, scientifically proven to block and dissolve spike proteins within your body. This potent formula guards against the effects of COVID, vaccines, and shedding. Nattokinase’s credibility is fortified by endorsements from luminaries like Dr. Peter McCullogh and Dr. Robert Malone