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Freedom of Religion and the Nanny State

Nanny State

Freedom of Religion loses out to minority rights as the Nanny State strikes again.

Nanny State
Strange Justice

A short post today. It’s been an interesting week of trying to stop unexpected demands on my time throw me off course.

However, I had to comment on today’s ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada that the Law Societies of BC and Ontario can refuse to accredit students from Trinity Western Law School.

This is a huge blow to freedom of religion and individual freedom.

It is aimed directly at Christian institutions and ignores the fact that educational institutions following other faiths are permitted to have codes of conduct that exclude non-adherents to that faith.

It is a blatant case of the tail-wagging-the-dog, the rights of the majority trampled to appease the demands of a small but vociferous minority.

I am a firm believer in “Live and Let Live” I have no opinion on whether people’s sexual or lifestyle preferences are right or wrong, that’s their business. I have as little need to know about the details of their private lives as I have for my private life to be made public.

However, it’s a sad day when the rights of a Christian Institution to follow it’s principles. Principles that have served communities well for 2000 years are disallowed in favour of special interests. It’s especially sad considering that this country and most of the Western World was developed by people following the Christian faith.


That’s all for today.