Distraction by small electronic communication devices is a huge problem. It’s one I have written about before.Type distraction in the search box at the top of the blog page and you will see all the relevant posts. Distraction from texting or fiddling with cell phones while driving seems to be increasing despite harsher penalties.

Distraction is a huge cause of unfocused activity, it stops us getting things done. Prevents us achieving our goals. I wrote about distraction and focus in this post.
Mollie Desouza from Online course report sent me this graphic which highlights the problem of modern-day distraction beautifully.
Source: OnlineCourseReport.com
What is really frightening is that the average human attention span is now 1 second shorter than that of a goldfish.
Up until recently, it seemed that distraction by electronic device was a problem just for Generation X and younger generations. Now I see Baby Boomers and Seniors constantly checking their devices.
What for?
Recall notices for their pacemakers?
My 5-year-old Blackberry is showing its age and will soon be obsolete. I just switched to a newer model, with wifi capability. But I took a plan with no data because I can live quite happily only checking emails morning and night on my desktop computer. I really don’t need the distraction of access to social media when away from home for a few hours.
But I am just an old guy from the African bush, I still enjoy communicating with real people in real life. Still enjoy watching the day unfold on the big screen of life not a little screen in my hand.
With fall starting to paint the trees with glorious yellow, orange, red and brown, it seems a sacrilege not to see them because of the distraction of those little devices.
Well said! Perfect, Peter. I agree one-million percent. Like you I am very content with my desk top. I don’t even take my phone into my bed room at night. I don’t want to be plugged in 24-7.