Another episode of Memorable Moments, the blogging a book project about my life in Africa. There are a lot of big snakes in Africa,…
European Commission DG ECHO via Compfight Life doesn’t have to seem overwhelming. Despite the gloom and doom in the media about the economy, unemployment,…
Michael Foran vaCompfight Another page for the “blogging a book” project. All the posts for this project are categorised under “Memorable Moments”. This post…
We lost a special cat yesterday. The worst thing about being an animal lover is that…
There are so many glaring examples of hypocrisy in the world today that I decided to…
Beit Bridge Border Post The great thing about “blogging a book” is that I can write about experiences…
It’s weird how a few different thoughts and ideas swirling around in my brain, perhaps tempered by a frustrating search for a more focused…
This week Nelson Mandela had a birthday, most of the world…
Every one in the East and Midwest of North America knows that it has been hot. Whether…