Bump In The Road: Peter Wright-Surviving Political Turmoil
On the Get Sh*t Done podcast with Julie Jones
On 9 October 2023 in episode 105 with Julie Jones.
Julie is a wonderful host who made me feel as if I was sitting on her patio chatting and having coffee (or a glass of wine.) It was a most enjoyable experience.
Julie is a coach, speaker and podcast host. Vist her website.
On The Women At Halftime Podcast
On 8 August 2023, I was the guest of Deborah Johnson on her Women At Halftime Podcast. Deborah is a gracious host and a skilled interviewer. She is also one on the most accomplished creative people and artists I have been fortunate enough to meet. Deborah has been highly successful in music, singing, speaking and as an author and podcast host. Pop over to her podcast at the link above and have a listen, get the audio on Spotify, Apple on your favourite podcast platform or watch the video below.
Fakeologist Revisited
On 6 June 2023, I was back on an episode of Fakeologist with Ab to discuss the recent law passed by the ANC government of South Africa to ban all businesses from employing white people. We also discussed the probability that the American government, the CIA, FBI and players in the one-world-order crowd sidelined the old, Conservative South African government led by PW Botha and manipulated the new government under FW de Klerk. We discussed the motivation for putting South Africa on the road to destruction. Was it to get hold of South Africa’s gold and diamonds?
We also looked at the widespread power outages in South Africa. A country that once generated more than 50% of the electricity generated by the rest of the continent.

April 12th 2023 with John leBon on episode 28 of Bonversations. John is an interesting and experienced host, we had a very good conversation and found we sing from the same hymn book on many topics.

March 22nd 2023, I was Eric Taylor’s guest on Taylorate.me Listen Here.
On the Journey with David Hackett

Or listen on Spotify
Live on the Chill Out Podcast with Tom and Tracy Lloyd on 25 January 2023
Tom and Linda are wonderful hosts and make their guests feel comfortable. They put on a great show. Check it out here Chill Out Podcast

Tatiana Bonneau interviewed me for the Smart Branding podcast
I was on Whispers and Bricks Podcast with Ari Schonbrun on 7 November 2022

With Elona Lopari on The Life School Masterclass Show on 1 November 2022
Kathleen Beauvais and me on Alicia Butler-Pierre’s podcast on 23 October 2022

Back on The Fakeologist. Live interview on 12 October 2022 This time talking about The virus, Africa, history, Rhodesia, South Africa, Mandela, Corruption and more.

Fakeologist Live interview 5 September 2022

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Pingback:Content Creation - 2 New Tools, Podcasts & Discord - Peter Wright
Pingback:Self-Promotion For Reticent Boomers - Peter Wright
Pingback:Merry Christmas and Best Wishes For 2023 - Peter Wright
Pingback:Faith In Humanity - A Lighter Side - Peter Wright