Combat veterans aren’t damaged. They are enlightened, complicated souls forced to live life by a set of rules and expectations that can make pursuing true happiness feel like chasing the moon.

And for those who ultimately descend into a darkness from which they cannot save themselves, it was not war that broke them.

It was the peace to which they returned, but never found.

Go to the link above and read the article, it will give you a new understanding of PTSD and Veterans issues. It may also help you understand why you might be dissatisfied with your life.

Don’t take uncalculated risks

I am not encouraging you to rush out and take ridiculous physical or financial risks, not suggesting that you abandon a good job or sell your business so you can hitch hike around the world.

But I agree 100% with the author’s statement about the inability of normal life to ever match the amplitude of living that you achieved in war. Or other periods of extreme danger and adversity.

The downside of living in a safe, comfortable and civilized society in the first world is exactly that. It’s safe comfortable and civilized. It’s bland and mundane, it does not stretch us.

We have to find our own challenges to increase that amplitude of living. I take the risk of making a fool of myself every time I stand up to make a speech, every time I publish a blog post. By learning to play a musical instrument in my sixties.

How do you challenge yourself? Leave a comment.

image by Stuart miles /