We all have dreams, some of us translate those into goals, a smaller group act and make plans to achieve them. A very small group actually do what it takes to accomplish them. This is a post about someone who is in that small group of people who do what it takes.

Last month, I was interviewed by Gisele Thomson, a very interesting and inspiring woman who has persuaded a group of experts to be interviewed for her project “Live The Life You Want”. I am honoured to be included in this group.
Here’s her story.
As a mom of five kids raising them with her disabled husband of over 20 years, and working full-time as the sole income provider for the last ten, Gisele realized a few years back that she had become invisible in her life. She discovered that her life seemed to be a collection of roles and functions. She was shocked to learn that she had forgotten how to feel truly happy.
When she realized that she had hit her wall on how far she was willing to despair in silence, she knew she had to approach her life differently. The first step was to decide to stop surviving the chaos she felt she was trying to navigate, and start figuring out how to a life that she truly wanted. The second step was to return to her roots enjoying the things that used to bring her joy.
You see, she always wanted to be a writer and a performing singer-songwriter. Unfortunately, it was not long that she concluded that couldn’t support her family comfortably as a poet, songwriter or novelist.
Because she loves writing, she thought she could launch a blog but she wasn’t sure what topic she should write about – until one midday, driving her minivan alone down a major road close to home, she felt called to accept a mission to help people return to their strengths doing the things they truly love, just as she had learned to do when she had hit her wall.
Gisele is hosting a speaker series you will want to check out.
The series is called:
Live the Life You Want: How to Overcome Adversity, Be Happy, and Live the Life of Your Dreams.
I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend.
You can register using this link: Interview Series You can watch from your home, office, or on the go.
This is for you if want to apply concrete ideas to help you rise above the challenges that have you feeling beat, and tap into a lighter happier side of yourself.
Here’s what’s going to be covered in the INTERVIEWS:
* Your emotions not only influence how your body feels, but you CAN influence your emotions to get to a more positive state by changing how you position your body
* What you can do to STOP feeling the suffering that comes with dealing with the adversity in your life – learn to disconnect your attachments and feel more happy and free
* HOW to align with your dreams by trying out different things along the way, and trusting that each new step does bring you closer to know how best to leverage your strengths and interests to live the life you want
* How to be more relationship-ready on your path to living your dreams, whether you’re single, or you and your partner re-commit or go your separate ways
* Define WHAT a happy life means for you: what is your criteria to FEEL HAPPY in your life?
* How your commitment to your happiness helps you contribute to making our world a more generous and peaceful place – making the time and space to do what you love is NOT selfish, rather it’s responsible and mature
* And so much more!
Why this event?
She is organizing this event because — just as she survived some tough times to live a happier life — her intent is to offer to people practical ideas and strategies that could help lift them up from the struggles they may be having in order to get to a place where they are living the life that they feel inside is for them.
She’s interviewing experts like me from around the world, who have all, in some shape or form, survived a darker time in their life, and now share with others strategies and ideas to live a more fulfilling life drawing on their life experiences, personal insights and professional knowledge.
These interviews are REAL CONVERSATIONS with REAL PEOPLE who have faced their own challenges in their lives, and now invest their time and energy helping others brighten their own light as they figure out what makes them happy and feeling self-fulfilled in their life.
SO let me ask you this: What would it be worth to you to get over that one thing that seems to have a hold on you since it seems like forever? To find out HOW you CAN live differently and more happily sooner than you think?
Tune in so you can to hear practical ideas and strategies that will support you walk your path to living the life YOU WANT.
Register here with your complimentary ticket to listen in.
P.S. In case you are wondering who the speakers are, here are a just a handful of speakers you will hear from: Dr. Robert Puff, Denise Hansard, Joyce Chapman, Sara Oliveri, Peter Wright.
That’s a handful. You can find out who the rest of them are right here:
These conversations are REAL CONVERSATIONS with experts who have made it their mission to share with others ways to live happy living the life that they want.