The first six weeks of the 2021 year have been interesting.

It seems that despite careful planning and I thought good time management, time is passing more quickly than ever. I am horrified that this is the first post on this blog since 18 January, a whole month ago.
I have written about my time management system before. It is a combination of weekly and daily objectives, the allocation of time slots for specific activities and the use of Rescue Time to keep track of how I actually spend my time. (The analysis can be quite shocking).
The best time management system in the world cannot predict or accommodate the unexpected. The 3 weeks of very cold weather and heavy snowfalls have meant unplanned time on the tractor to clear snow and haul extra loads of wood up to the house.

Time Management For New Projects
It can be difficult to estimate the time needed for new projects. I have found that my new Yakking Show video and audio podcast with Kathleen Beauvais is taking up many more hours than originally expected. Recording 30 to 40-minute episodes two or three times a week is only the start. Each episode takes about five hours of work from the first contact with a guest to sharing the video and audio on social media and creating a post for it on the website.
The Yakking Show was started as a fun way to bring some light into the dark days after the initial coronavirus restrictions to “flatten the curve” were imposed in March 2020 and as a way to promote authors and local businesses. It has taken on a life of its own and exceeded our wildest expectations. So much so that it is taking up more of my time than any other activity.
Our Tiny Homes website has also been neglected so we have decided to sell that website, it’s listed on Flippa Check it out if you are interested in a ready-made website for the Tiny Homes niche complete with 1100 twitter followers, a Facebook page and group and an emai list.
Podcast & Video Appearances.
I have recently been a guest on three podcasts. Here is the video of my episode on The Messy Back End Podcast.
We are always open to applications from guests to appear on The Yakking Show. We are looking for people who can “Awaken You To New Perspectives”. If you have an interesting story about overcoming adversity, resilience, spirituality, tips and ideas for a changing world or you want to talk about unconventional thinking, go to the Yakking Show website and fill out the application form.
What Next?
I will be concentrating on The Yakking Show and this blog in the months ahead. I had planned to walk another route of the Camino de Santiago in 2020, but the coronavirus restrictions put an end to that. On May 12 last year, I set a goal of walking every day for 100 consecutive days to keep in shape and prepare for another Camino this year (2021). I walked a minimum of 4.2 km every morning for 100 days and kept going. Yesterday I reached 278 days and have set a new target of a full year of 365 consecutive days of walking.
Here’s a resource I recently stumbled across that has a huge number of courses for learning a new hobby, skill or creative activity. Learning a new activity is one of the best ways to keep our minds active and guard against premature senility as we get older. Check out Skillshare

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