New challenges and new chapters. A cause for concern or a sign of hope?
It’s been 9 months since I published a post on this blog. I have become disenchanted with the older social media platforms where I used to meet many of you. I am rarely on Facebook, twitter or Linked In. You may have wondered what happened to me.
Here’s an update. I am still very much alive. Much of my time has been spent on The Yakking Show which Kathleen and I started in March 2020. We started it to give some of our local business friends exposure after all our normal opportunities to meet customers or clients were suddenly shut down because of the panicked reaction to the virus. We also wanted to bring a bit of light into what was for many people a very dark and dismal time.
The show took on a life of its own and grew beyond our wildest expectations. It has been taking up more of our time than any other project. This week, we recorded our 182nd episode. We also send out a weekly email to alert members about the current and following week’s episodes. Each newsletter also promotes a previous guest author’s book.
Fortunately, I have had no health challenges and enjoy my early morning walks every weekday. I am grateful to live in the country and walk on quiet gravel roads rarely seeing a vehicle and often seeing deer, rabbits, a variety of birds, occasionally a coyote or two, and the odd skunk. This morning the mist (fog) was rising off the soya bean field to the North of the road and drifting downhill over the newly combined wheatfield.

New Challenges
Yes, there are new challenges and there will be more. A recent one was an interview with Jeff Stager on the Agriculture Show Radio Waterloo 102.7. You can also listen to it and my other recent guest appearances right here on this page.

There is also new hope. There is a lot more to write about, but for now, I just wanted to let you know I am still here.