Lethargy as a result of the enforced slow down over the Christmas Holidays seems to be harder to shake off each year. I remember in my 40s, 50s and even a few years ago in my early 60s being anxious to get going again on the 2nd of January.

For me, it’s not a lack of physical stamina, I walked nearly 300 km in two weeks two months before Christmas and I was putting in 9 hour days on the farm up to Christmas Eve during my annual corn harvest gig.
It wasn’t from eating too much red meat. I had a vegetarian Christmas dinner with my son and his family. I rarely drink alcohol so that was not an issue and although I find small children tiring, I only spent part of Christmas Day with my grandchildren.
Can Chocolate Cause Lethargy?
Perhaps too much chocolate, too many snacks and biscuits contributed to the lethargy.
Perhaps I was finding it harder to let go of the wonderful experience of the Camino de Santiago. I know that experience has changed the way I want to live my life.
It seems to be more difficult for self-employed people working from home. We don’t have to commute to a place of work on the 2nd of January or the following Monday. It was easier when I was farming and had animals and crops to look after, employees to manage. Now I just have to manage myself, that can be difficult.
Whatever the reason, I found it hard to get back into serious writing and business activities last week. I fiddled around getting accounts up to date, catching up on neglected admin work, cutting wood. I did manage one productive thing, I prepared and gave a speech with a slide show to a church group about my Camino experience. Now it’s Monday of the second full week of 2020 so it’s time to get organised. I have got a few productive things done today so the week and the year are off to a good start.
How about you? Do you find it difficult to get going again after the holiday period? Share your thoughts in a comment.
Next post will be part two of the story of my Camino de Santiago.