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Will Network Marketers Win With New Facebook Changes?

Facebook has introduced an option to convert personal pages to business fan pages. Friends will be migrated to the business page and be converted to fans.

Is it a good idea for Network and Internet Marketers?

That depends on each user and the message he or she is trying to get across

For example, I have old “real” friends and family and new social media friends all over the world who have no interest in my online business.

But I do want to stay in touch with them for non-business reasons and to share non-business interests. I don’t want to risk alienating my old friends by  perhaps boring them or even offending them with my  my business stuff.

It is also important to remember  that the Baby Boomer generation and  seniors are two of the fastest growing groups of new users of social media. Some of our friends could be friends of great Aunt Emily who might be horrified at our business activities.

Then of course I have the fans on my business page who might not have much interest in my personal life. Others might be appalled at  some of the things my friends and family might post.

Most families have their fair share of Black Sheep who seem to become very creative when updating Facebook, do we want to risk exposing our carefully cultivated business fans to their brand of creativity?

For another view of the new policy, read  this article on Fast Company.

Facebook could be introducing this change as a way to get users to comply with it’s requirement that personal pages are not used for business.  A requirement that is certainly not widely complied with now.

Here is the link to Facebook’s help page on the change.

So it’s really up to each Network Marketer or online business, what would serve each of us better, a combined Facebook page or separate personal and business ones?

I will be keeping mine separate.

To take advantage of your old or newly converted fan page, and get your Personal Brand standardised across social media, check out this program Personal Branding Theme. (I do get a commission if you buy it from this link)

Wishing you success in all your endeavours.


Peter Wright