Like most Internet Marketers I suppose, my computer hard drive is overloaded with stuff and sometimes gives me problems. Last week I had a problem opening a file attachment to an email. I “Googled” for help and found a recommendation for software from Uniblue.
I ordered the software, paid for it on line and downloaded it. Following good Internet Marketing practice, on the thank you page there was the upsell offer for another of the company’s products. Because my computer had been running slow, I thought I would invest another $29.95 and buy the second product.
The upsell also made a second offer to buy a suite of programmes and get an additional product free.
Being a sucker for free stuff and because I thought the bonus software would be useful I decided to go for the suite. But I had already paid for the first programme so I emailed Uniblue’s support team to ask for advice.
Unusual in my experience of online business and to my surprise, just 30 minutes later I got a reply suggesting that I return my initial purchase for a refund and buy the suite. I did and in no time had the link to download the suite, but I could not find a link to download the bonus. I emailed back and was told that I had ordered the suite of 3 products and got my original order included at a reduced price so there would not be a link for the bonus product.
I was a little disappointed, like a kid who has just been told he’s not getting a promised toy. I do accept that I had misread the offer and it did clearly state that the deal was for 3 programmes plus the bonus offer, but I also felt that the initial explanation to my question about the link for the expected bonus did not clearly tell me why I was not getting it.
With my initial good impression of Uniblue’s customer service now eroding like a sandcastle in a rising tide, I decided to send one more email.
The result, a very quick reply with a clear explanation of what was included in the offer, regret that I had not fully understood the offer and subsequently a link to download the bonus at no charge.
So now, I can recommend Uniblue’s product – Power Suite, it has improved my computers speed significantly, and their service.
To find out more about Uniblue and it’s products click here Uniblue.
I do not earn any commission from Uniblue, I am impressed by their products, their attention and rapid response from their customer service department.
So there are three lessons here:
- Make sure that your upsell offers are so clear that even an idiot like me can understand them.
- Ensure that correspondence is 100% understandable and addresses the customers REAL concern. (in my case I was not interested in how many programmes were in the suite, just why I could not find the bonus I thought I was getting).
- Don’t break off communication until the customer’s problem is resolved – even if resolution might require a refund.
For me, the penultimate email was the most important message, in that email, a different customer service person (C the second) understood exactly why I was irritated and clearly explained why I did not get the bonus.
It was a nice touch to then provide me with the bonus, but the biggest reward for me, and why I am writing this compliment to Uniblue was being understood.
Wishing you success in all your endeavours.
I hope that you do not suffer any technical problems with your Uniblue products as their technical support is non-existant, they send a standard response to any problems and when this does not work they do not provide any contact numbers for meaningful help.
Geoff that is interesting, so far I have had no problem with the products, but believe me, I will write about it if I do.
I hope you get a better response from them.
I can’t find a number for their customer service at all? do u have it?