Religion and spirituality. The practice or avoidance of them are deeply personal subjects for most people.

Spirituality has different meanings for different people. Some happily accept that the spirituality mentioned in the bible is good but tarot cards and psychic readings are the “dark” side of spirituality. Others see the Dalai Lama as a spiritual person. Indigenous people who live close to nature in many parts of the world are considered to be more spiritual than those of us who live in our modern, Western societies.
Today’s guest post is by Cassie Steele. You might disagree with some of her points, however, there is much to think about in what she has written. In the reality of declining church attendance, many congregations are using the overlap of religion and spirituality to reach Millenials and younger adults. Read on and leave your comments to add to the conversation.
Can a Psychic Reading Help Unlock Your Spirituality?
Younger generations may be turning away from organized religion far faster than in previous generations, but millennials and younger adults are also deeply spiritual – as found in a study by Professor Kasper ter Kuille and colleagues at Harvard University’s Divinity School. Many studies have shown that those who are spiritual are less depressed and less anxious than those who believe solely in the material.
Research undertaken in 2015 by scientists at the London School of Economics, for instance, found that forming part of an active religious group was the only social activity linked to long-lasting happiness. Younger generations differ from those of their forebears in one key way: they are looking for unique, personally meaningful avenues through which to feel like they belong to something larger than themselves. Within this new ethos, honing one’s spirituality through a tarot or psychic reading can be just as effective as taking part in worship, helping out the needy through fundraising efforts, or forming part of a regular yoga class.
Filling a Void
Professor ter Kuille and colleagues state that millennials are turning to community-focused groups (including CrossFit groups at the gym) to find support and battle isolation. This sense of union is only one component of spirituality, of course. For some people, a gym class may provide companionship, yet lack the sense of self-reflection that prayer, religious talks, or consultation with a learned sage or spiritual coach can provide. This vital guidance can be found in other ways – thus the vertiginous rise in the popularity of life coaches and other figures of wisdom who are not technically scientists but who are fulfilling many of the roles traditionally played by priests or gurus.
What Can a Card Reading Teach You about Yourself?
While it is true that some people visit or call psychics and tarot readers to discover more about specific aspects of their lives – “Will I find a job soon?”, “Will I find the partner I have been looking for?”, etc. However, seasoned card readers will probably tell you that clients that seen regularly often do so for a different reason – to obtain clarification about the psychological and spiritual issues that may be standing in the way of happiness. Take the Nine of Wands in tarot, which represents life’s struggles. This card can be used by the reader and the client to think of problems they may have let slide for too long instead of making vital change. The card is a reminder of this obstacle to wellbeing, and its meaning can be reflected upon long after the client has left the psychic’s consultation.
Finding Elusive Self-Knowledge
Because spirituality is located within a part of the self Jung called the ‘collective unconscious’, it can sometimes be hard – especially for those functioning in busy urban settings – to find the stillness required to connect with this side of ourselves. Jung recommended heading out into a beautiful natural area to find physical exponents of the majesty within.
Psychic readings can function as a kind of short-cut in the midst of a busy week, when it is impossible to get away to reconnect with the self. The symbols contained in cards can prompt us to face, right before our eyes, thoughts or feelings we have been blocking from our mind, to our detriment. By bringing up these emotions within a caring, non-defensive setting, the cards can give us food for thought. They can encourage a greater sense of mindfulness – a state in which we accept these negative thoughts but do not allow them to define us or lead us into a place of negativity.
Spirituality in the modern age can be defined as a practice or belief that enables us to feel more connected to a greater force, but also one that encourages deeper self-knowledge. Group activities allow for communication, unity, and the sense of support that belonging can provide. However, sometimes, human beings need to work on themselves; to pause and discover where inertia has been leading them to accept things that are standing in the way of a better, happier present and future.
Thank you Cassie, your post is timely as our little church is holding a “Spiritual Cafe” twice a month where anyone can come for a coffee and discussion on religion and spirituality. The references you have provided will be great resources for our discussions.
The Camino Story
If you are wondering when the next episode of my Camino de Santiago story will appear, you will have to wait a little longer. The photographs have all been categorised, the outline is more or less in place. However, it’s that time of year when I get involved with the corn harvest on my neighbour’s farm. The weather and mechanical problems have caused many lost days so instead of finishing a week before Christmas, we will still be working between Christmas and New Year.
Yesterday was brutal, -11C (12F) before the wind chill, blowing snow. A little different from farming in Africa.

The next episode of the Camino story will appear in the first post for 2020. It will also relate some of the thoughts about religion and spirituality that came to me on the pilgrimage.
Wishing you a Happy Christmas, Peace, Happiness, Good Health and Success for the New Year.
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