Winding down, the second last day of my pilgrimage. Only 10 km to walk, no point in rushing off in the dark and getting lost…
Herbs have been used to improve physical health and emotional wellbeing for thousands of years – they can help during the current crisis
Watching the polarisation in society I have wondered if social media IS the problem. A big part of it yes, but THE PROBLEM? Others think…
Camino pilgrimage day 11 Gabriella and I set off at 7:45 before the sun was up. enjoying our walk along quiet lanes, through woods and…
Leaving Pontevedra, we set off just after 7:00 am in the early morning solitude walking through quiet streets. A few other pilgrims already on their…
Media madness drove the panic over the coronavirus, the damage to much of the global economy and all the health and social problems that are…
How signalman Jack and the stoic philosophers teach us to follow a social media diet. We can learn about avoiding stress and having a better…
Nostalgia can be a good antidote to the effects of the coronavirus panic. Enduring the disruptions caused by the shutdown is difficult for me.
Shutdown, Lockdown, Mass House Arrest, Self-Quarantine, Self Isolation, Social Distancing. All different terms to describe putting the world on hold.
This week’s Guests were Gary Jones, a man of many talents who spoke about his career change, his transitions through different careers, his unique skills…