Luckily for a baby boomer, my weight has hardly fluctuated from when I left the farm to work in the city. For most of…
There are so many glaring examples of hypocrisy in the world today that I decided to…
The ink is hardly dry on the SEC’s papers and the vultures are gathering to gloat over Zeek’s demise. Was…
I have to thank a good friend and supporter Tim Gibney for showing me this amusing video and giving me the idea for today’s short…
Beit Bridge Border Post The great thing about “blogging a book” is that I can write about experiences…
Many posts and magazine articles in the last week or so about how not having a Facebook account could make us look suspicious.…
On 13 April, I published a post about the 10K Challenge, a new internet marketing system, here is what I…
This is the second post in the “Memorable Moments” series, posts that will be edited and re-arranged into a book as a “Blogging…
Two articles, one about Facebook and one about the attack on Chick-fil-A that are entirely unconnected but may both be a symptom…
It’s weird how a few different thoughts and ideas swirling around in my brain, perhaps tempered by a frustrating search for a more focused…