After the events in my last post, and although, thankfully, I was soon back to normal, I have been trying even harder than usual to…
Way back, I remember reading a quotation “Nothing concentrates the mind like an imminent hanging – your own! I don’t remember the source, but I…
Welcome to the new look, I hope you like it. For an old farmer from the baby boomer generation, this has been an exercise in…
Many baby boomers are active on the internet, either as internet entrepreneurs, social media site users, bloggers or for research. At first, it seems odd…
“Put off for one day, and ten days will pass” – Korean Proverb Well isn’t that proverb true? I put off posting to this blog…
Balancing the need to stay informed on what is happening in the Internet Marketing Industry against spending too much time reading emails is a problem…
mov02e2 Many people ask me what my life in Africa was like. It’s a long story and it will be published in a book, but…
Last Wednesday evening, I attended a webinar presented by Jim Chao on effectively using facebook as a marketing channel for internet and network marketing businesses.…
This post does not at first sight have anything to do with marketing or business, but it does. I am a good way through reading…
There was a question posed on twitter this week “When were you the most nervous?” My immediate response was, when riding my motorbike around my…