Have you ever stumbled on an on-line article or a passage in a book or…
We lost a special cat yesterday. The worst thing about being an animal lover is that…
Two more shining examples of arrogant big government interference and trampling on individual rights in the…
No, this blog hasn’t suddenly gone ultra commercial, the banner ad is there for a purpose, this is a post about banners and banner ads…
Russian President Putin, feels insulted by a female pop group protesting in…
Despite seeing many examples of the worst of human nature in Africa…
Finally, after two days on the road in an underpowered, overloaded old car, we were…
Luckily for a baby boomer, my weight has hardly fluctuated from when I left the farm to work in the city. For most of…
There are so many glaring examples of hypocrisy in the world today that I decided to…
The ink is hardly dry on the SEC’s papers and the vultures are gathering to gloat over Zeek’s demise. Was…