This post will look at perseverance, success and the domino effect, but first an explanation. Last year my strategy was to publish two posts a…
A recent reference in the OMFG forum on Google + to a persistent NASCAR driver interested me so much that I decided to move…
Elephants feature in many folk tales and metaphors. Two that are relevant: The modern one “The Elephant in…
I bought myself a Christmas present on Amazon, the book “The Obstacle is The Way” by Ryan Holiday. It arrived on Friday, I finished it…
Wishing you success, good health and happiness in 2015. May you be safe from the kind of violence that Islamic terrorists have unleashed on Paris…
I just reviewed my posts from a year ago because I could not remember what I had written in my last post before Christmas 2013.…
I started writing about stoicism in this post on 21 November, then had to rely on my own ability to be stoic to get…
It’s been an interesting – and challenging – 3 weeks since my last post. Interesting because of the new opportunities that have presented themselves…
Having lived in the tropics for most of my life, I never expected to be grateful for a week of heavy snowfalls. This week proved…
Following last week’s post about my interrupted schedule, I find that for once, I am grateful for snow. The snow over the last few days…