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Frustration with Technology

Frustration with technology means that this will be a short post.


As noted at the end of my previous post about The Panama Papers, I upgraded to WordPress 4.5 last week and then found that this website was not working properly. The post editor would not function correctly.

I tried various fixes, without success, then turned to the user’s forum. Many users were having similar problems. The problem seemed to be that some plugins were not compatible with the newest version of WordPress.

The recommendation was to deactivate all plugins then re-activate them one-by-one to find the culprit.


A fairly simple but time-consuming process which did not help my frustration.

Perhaps it’s a generational thing for us Baby Boomers. I generally have little difficulty in thinking of possible causes for things not working in other areas, farming equipment, motor vehicles, management practices, human interactions, animal interactions and more. But when it comes to invisible systems hidden inside computer chips the frustration starts. My usual ability to persevere is sorely tested.

Is it because we cannot see the moving parts? Cannot hold a part in our hands, feel it’s texture, feel whether it’s hot or cold. Or because we cannot hear the nuances in a voice or read non verbal messages on a face, in an eye, the flick of an ear or the swish of a tail?

When it either works or it doesn’t and all the signs of what might be wrong are contained inside a sealed box, frustration is not far away.

I knew that checking all the plugins would take an hour or more. I did not want to spend that time on what seemed an unproductive task. Kept trying to think of a shorter way around it.

Finally, this morning, I bit the bullet, did what the experts suggested and fixed the problem. A plugin that had been recommended five years ago was the cause. Upgrades to WordPress over those years mean that it is no longer as important as it was, I deleted it.

The problem is fixed, the frustration over.

Do members of the younger generations experience the same frustration with technology?

Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment.

graphic courtesy debspoons /


  1. Roberta

    “…………experience the same frustration with technology?”

    I am not part of the younger generation. However, I find keeping a blog, especially a WP blog, a very difficult task these days.

    I know how to USE a computer and a blog. I do not know how to CONFIGURE or FIX a WP blog or computer.

    But recently I found a fantastic company that does all of that for you. I have a $29/month program. You can go much,much higher if you have a huge blog.

    They fixed my broken blog for me when other said it could not be fixed and I needed a new blog or pay gazillion dollars.

    When ever my blog tells me I need to update a plug in or the blog itself I just send them an email and usually with in 24 hours it is done.

    These are people who know computers and especially WP. They are polite, nice, and great with computers.

    I do not worry at all any more.

    I know you like to play with and fix computers and WP. But you do get frustrated some times too.

    Check them out:

    • Peter

      Thank you Roberta, my experience proved that your are correct, far better to pay $29 a month and save the frustration.

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