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There is life after 60 for Internet and Network Marketers

Last week I hit the big 60 and I am still here, still firing on all cylinders, still expecting to carry on for many years yet.

Obviously reaching this milestone in life is cause for reflection, it’s a milestone that millions of people never reach. It’s an age that a couple of generations ago, even in western societies  was considered old, ancient, past- it , over-the-hill or other less polite terms. It’s an age that is nearly double the current life expectancy for men in my previous country Zimbabwe.

So, my first reflection is one of gratitude, I am truly grateful that I have reached 60 with my health, eyesight , hearing and mental faculties largely intact.

I am also grateful for the interesting life I have been fortunate to experience, all the ups-and-downs, dangerous and heart stopping moments, periods of exhilaration (mainly on the back of a horse). For the interesting and remote places I have visited and the amazing people I have had the privilege to encounter.

Grateful too for my family, my children and grandchildren and good friends who have been there in joy and sorrow, crisis and quiet times. All the horses, dogs, cats and other animals that have been an important part of my life.

Above all grateful for the experiences that 60 years of living in interesting times, in several countries on three continents, pursuing different careers and operating varied businesses have provided.

Which brings me to why I believe that there is life after 60 for Entrepreneurs, Network and Internet Marketers.

Just a few of the advantages we have over our children’s generation:

Most of us completed our schooling without the aid of computers, calculators, copiers, the Internet or cell phones. This forced us to become good at mental arithmetic and to think before committing anything to paper – no invisible erase / delete facility with pen and paper.

There were less opportunities for organised entertainment, we had to amuse ourselves which led to some amazing creativity. Conversation as an art form was still practiced, children were expected to be articulate. Reading – text books, novels, newspapers and magazines – was required.

Stricter parents, more discipline in schools, breaking the rules invoked consequences, sometimes painful.

Less political correctness, not having to worry about the appropriateness of everything. Rules were clear,  predictable and generally common sense.

Less tolerance for excuses, less counselling for perceived issues. Unless you had a serious problem which really did require treatment, you just got on with it.

Much less government, parents parented, teachers taught, doctors doctored. Kids had fun, sometimes misbehaved and got punished but life went on without having to answer to bureaucrats or constantly wonder if we were “allowed” to do this or that, say this or that.

Many of our generation had chores to do at home either around the house or for farm kids on the farm. Yes, I know that many children today also have chores or duties to do, but many others seem to get out of this self-discipline building exercise.

National Service / Conscription, many men and some women of our generation were subject to mandatory service in the military or other government organisation. As dangerous and unpleasant as it may have been, providing one survived the experience , it gave many people some valuable life lessons. Resilience, perseverance, awareness, leadership and endurance are a few that come to mind.

Respect was taught and expected, boys and men were expected to be polite and respectful towards all women. Respect for other people’s property was required.

Risk taking was considered part of growing up and part of life, we rode bicycles and horses without helmets, climbed trees, swam in ponds and got into many scrapes. Yes kids got hurt and tragically some died but with all the precautions and safety legislation  today, there are still tragic accidents. Life is a risk and accidents do happen.

Responsibility was expected, I was expected to catch, saddle up, groom and ride my horse unsupervised from age 8, taught to handle a gun responsibly and drive a tractor at 12, a truck at 13. Responsible gun handling, driving and care of animals have stayed with me all my life.

One last thought, most of us are, or soon will be, “empty-nesters” no children at home, some of us are retired or soon will be, so we have more of that most precious commodity of all – time. The biggest complaint I hear from new Internet marketers is ” There is just not enough time in the day”.

I am sure many of you can think of more advantages us older people have. Drop me a comment, I’d like to hear your thoughts. I would also like to hear from my younger readers on the advantages of youth. 

So all my fellow baby boomers, we do have many things from the “old days” that can be huge advantages for us in the new post-Internet age.

Check out my Peter Recommends and Work with our winning team pages for ideas on how you can use your time to make your 60 + years more enjoyable and rewarding.

Wishing you success in all your endeavours.