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Success factor interview with “K”

Last week, I had the opportunity to interview “K” (for reasons of professional ethics, she prefers to remain anonymous) a very successful physiotherapist. K owns and manages her own practice employing other professional and support staff, has 4 children at school and is a dedicated runner.

Although at first, you might think that there are few similarities between a health care practice and a marketing business, following on from my last post, I believe that success factors are very similar in most fields of endeavour.

Here is how “K” answered the question –

    What single personal characteristic has had the biggest contribution to your success?

“Personal drive, self drive, it goes in a lot of different areas of life, whether succeeding in terms of personal life, family life or business. If you can set goals for yourself, and drive yourself forward every day, I think you will succeed. But you have to be self motivated, you can be in an environment that is busy or in a quiet environment, you have to look for things with enough diversity that you can pick and choose. You have to be flexible and you have to look at needs in the community.

It all comes down to self drive, if you are not self driven then I don’t think you will succeed.”

What I learned from “K” is that she recognised that without drive and self motivation, she would not have succeeded. Is that not true in our marketing businesses? If we are not driven, no one else is going to do it for us.

Another very interesting comment in this first part of the interview was her comment on looking at the needs of the community. Substitute “customers” for “community” and that is what we should all be doing in our businesses. How many of us do that effectively?

I will be sharing more of “K”s thoughts on how she became and continues to be successful in future posts.

Wishing you success in all your endeavours.

p.s I posted another article “Creating a Personal Growth Plan” on the Hypnosis page.

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