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Giving away Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich

Way back when I first got the entrepreneurial urge, I remember buying a copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think & Grow Rich. For the next 30 years the book travelled with me to new homes, new cities and new countries.

It sustained me through frustrating periods in my corporate career, motivated me to start businesses, start again after setbacks, and even helped me see a future after the devastating experience of losing everything in Zimbabwe and moving to Canada (see my “about me page” for the story).

The well read and somewhat dog-eared book was rescued from our farm house in Zimbabwe before the mob moved in and started stripping it, and moved to a safe place. Unfortunately, there was no space in the 2 suitcases Sue and I each brought to Canada for books, so my original copy is still being kept for me until the next visitor can bring it, I know that sooner or later I will again have it in my collection.

I did get another copy soon after arriving in my new country, I read it regularly and it still works it’s magic. I recommend this book to every one who is seeking to improve their situation in life, so I was enthusiastic when I had the opportunity to help more people get their own copy.

My friends Vic and Lisa Johnson are doing this crazy marketing
test where they’re giving away Napoleon Hill’s “Think & Grow Rich.”

I’m helping them with their big giveaway and wanted to make sure
you got your copy before they take this offer down.

Get the details here: FreeBook Think & Grow Rich

Feel free to pass this on to friends. They can get one too if they
act right away.

This is one of my favorite books. I know you’ll love it!

Wishing you success in all your endeavours